Making calls
Proposing multisig calls through the SDK is fairly simple and can be done in two different ways, let's go over them.
Saturn specific calls
Within the SDK there are a few functions that are wrappers around the call builder, these are multisig specific operations that have to be called by the multisig account rather than by a member of the multisig. They can be built by calling methods in the Saturn
class, here are some of them:
// Build a call that sets multisig parameters.
// Build a call that adds a new member to the multisig.
// Builds a call that bridges an asset over XCM form one chain to another.
These are convenience functions that are frequently used in Saturn, you'll find more of them explained in this document.
General call builder
For anything that's not necessarily related with maagement of the multisig itself, you'll want to build calls externally and propose them through Saturn, for that we have a call builder method:
// For Tinkernet calls, use .buildMultisigCall
const stakeCall = tinkernetApi.tx.ocifStaking.stake(0, "10000000000000");
// The multisig id.
id: 0,
// The call to execute in Tinkernet
call: stakeCall,
// The asset to pay the transaction fee in Tinkernet.
feeAsset: FeeAsset.TNKR,
// Optional proposal metadata.
proposalMetadata: "This is optional, but can be rather useful!"
// For other chains, use .sendXCMCall
// This is a wrapper that uses .buildMultisigCall internally.
const destination = "Basilisk";
const xcmFeeAsset = saturn.chains.find((c) => c.chain == "Basilisk").assets.find((asset) => asset.label == "BSX").registerType;
const swapCall = basiliskApi.tx.router.sell("KSM", "TNKR", "10000000000000", 0, [{ pool: "XYK", assetIn: "KSM", assetOut: "TNKR" }]);
const {weight, partialFee} = swapCall.paymentInfo("any address");
// The multisig id.
id: number;
// The destination chain.
// The actual call on the destination chain.
callData: swapCall.toU8a(),
// Optional proposal metadata.
proposalMetadata: "This is optional, but can be rather useful!",
// Weight for the call in the destination chain.
weight: new BN(weight),
// The fee for the XCM call and the transaction.
// Multiplying by 2 is a conservative estimate.
xcmFee: new BN(partialFee).mul("2"),
// The asset to use when paying the fees in the destination chain.
Both of these methods return a MultisigCall (opens in a new tab) class, this can be then submitted by calling .signAndSend
A MultisigCallResult (opens in a new tab) is returned after submitting the call.
// Address of the multisig member proposing this call.
// Signer with the member's account.
// Optional FeeAsset used to pay for this transaction in Tinkernet.
// Will use the one set in the Saturn class if not provided.
The MultisigCallResult (opens in a new tab) contains relevant information about the proposed call, it represents calls both proposed and those that were voted on and thus executed, the methods .isExecuted
and .isVoteStarted
help understand the status returned.